Dominik Angstwurm, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Southern Africa Liberation Day around the world

Southern Africa Liberation Day is a celebration of the struggle against colonialism and apartheid in Southern Africa. It commemorates the efforts of those who fought for freedom, justice, and equality in the region, and recognizes the progress made towards realizing these ideals.

The liberation struggle in Southern Africa lasted for decades, beginning in the early 20th century and culminating in the 1990s with the dismantling of apartheid in South Africa. During this period, many countries in the region, including Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and South Africa, were under colonial or minority rule. The indigenous populations were denied basic human rights and freedoms, and were subjected to brutal repression and exploitation.

In response to this oppression, liberation movements emerged in these countries, with the aim of overthrowing colonial and minority rule and establishing democratic governments that represented the interests of all citizens. These movements were often met with violent resistance from the ruling regimes, but they persisted in their struggle, using both peaceful and armed means to achieve their objectives.

The Southern African liberation struggle was supported by the international community, including the United Nations and many individual countries, organizations, and individuals. The struggle became a global issue, with people all over the world joining in solidarity with the oppressed populations of Southern Africa.

The efforts of the liberation movements eventually paid off, with many of the countries in the region achieving independence and democracy. South Africa, the last country to abolish apartheid, held its first democratic elections in 1994, marking the end of the apartheid era and the beginning of a new era of freedom and equality for all South Africans.

Southern Africa Liberation Day is an opportunity to remember the sacrifices of those who fought for freedom and justice in the region. It is a time to celebrate the progress made towards achieving these ideals, and to reaffirm our commitment to continue working towards a better future for all. It is also a time to reflect on the challenges that remain, including poverty, inequality, and the legacy of colonialism and apartheid, and to renew our efforts to address these issues.


Sat 23 Mar


Sun 23 Mar


Mon 23 Mar


Tue 23 Mar